Re: FVWM: Feature request - FvwmButtons

From: Stephen Riehm <stephen.riehm_at_PC-Plus.DE>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 13:32:03 +0100 (MEZ)

Hi Michael, fvwm developers,

> John Henders wrote:

> > Someone showed me a very nice feature in Windows95 I though would
> > translate well to FvwmButtons. Basically, the Win 95 taskbar can be set
> > to only appear when the mouse is moved to the bottom of the screen.
> > After the mouse leaves the taskbar, it disappears a few seconds later.
> > Does anyone else thing this could be useful? How hard would it be to add
> > to FvwmButtons?

> I've seen something similar on the Mac - this would be a really good
> idea. I've got FvwmButtons and FvwmIconMan in corners, and it would be
> excellent if they could "auto-rise" when I put the cursor in the
> respective corner. It would also be nice if FvwmButtons menus could
> auto-rise. C'est possible?

The region would have to be well defined though, because nothing would
bother me more, that using the pointer to highlight some text from the
bottom of a window, and having my button bar popping up over the text.

PS: another feature which I like from the mac's was that if you threw
the pointer to the bottom left corner of the screen, that the
screensaver would startup right away - combine that with locking, it
would be a nice way to leave your workstation - but the pointer has to
be at +0-0 for the feature to start up. any takers?

_______________________________ ._ o ________________________________
// Stephen Riehm / //\.
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