Re: FVWM: Command to send arbitrary stuff to modules

From: David A. Berson <>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 1996 12:26:01 -0500 (EST)

Brady Montz said:

> Modules can send arbitrary command to fvwm. I think that it would be
> nice if fvwm could send commands to modules. Perhaps something like:

> Also, it might be cool to be able to write fvwm functions which could remember
> where windows are, or their window stack position, etc. Not easy things to add

> Any thoughts?

I second this idea. I too recently have wished that a couple of windows
could remember some state information and have title buttons

If someone implements this, they should be sure to support inter-module
communication. I.e., allow module1 to send a string to fvwm like
   "send module2Name command"

An interesting use of such a feature is to use it to support modules that
can reconfigure themselves on the fly. Say, have FvwmTalk support
   "send moduleName configCommand"
Sure would beat edit .fvwmrc/restart cycles.

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