FVWM: Neat FvwmForm trick

From: <dek_at_cgl.ucsf.EDU>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 96 16:09:50 -0800

Hi, folks. I'm not on the mailing list so if you want to respond just
email me.

I wrote a neat little applet using FvwmForm. It's a menu-driven host
selector. I guess this could be done easily in GoodStuff, but I don't
use GoodStuff (or whatever it's called now).

To get this to work, you need to create symbolic links to FvwmForm
that are named Rtelnet, CGL and other. These can be changed if you
change the names of the Forms (which I expect you will want to do).
Basically it works like this: call Rtelnet from an FvwmTalk window
using 'Rtelnet' or map it to a key or menu. Then when you run
Rtelnet, a list of host classes will pop up. Click on the host class
you want. It will then pop up a list of hosts which you choose from.
When you click on a host, it will rsh to the host. Note- I did this
on an SGI which uses winterm. You can change winterm to rxvt if you want.

Things to do: generalize, add working keymaps, error reporting in case
winterm or rsh fails. I think that this program shows how flexible
FvwmForm is- heck, I think if somebody really want to do it, you could
create an FVWM customization menu which wrote .fvwmrc files just from
your selections! If anybody has done this, or my Rtelnet form is just
a rehash of an old idea, please tell me.

*RtelnetGeom -1+100
*RtelnetFore Black
*RtelnetBack Light Gray
*RtelnetItemFore Wheat
*RtelnetItemBack Gray50
*RtelnetFont *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
*RtelnetButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
*RtelnetLine center
*RtelnetText "Select class of Hosts:"
*RtelnetLine left
*RtelnetButton quit "CGL" C
*RtelnetCommand Module CGL
*RtelnetLine left
*RtelnetButton quit "Other" O
*RtelnetCommand Module other
*RtelnetLine left
*RtelnetButton quit "Cancel" ^[
*RtelnetCommand Nop

*CGLFore Black
*CGLBack Light Gray
*CGLItemFore Wheat
*CGLItemBack Gray50
*CGLFont *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
*CGLButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
*CGLLine center
*CGLText "Select host:"
*CGLLine left
*CGLButton quit "Socrates" s
*CGLCommand Exec exec winterm -T socrates -n socrates -e rsh socrates &
*CGLLine left
*CGLButton quit "Spin" s
*CGLCommand Exec exec winterm -T spin -n spin -e rsh spin &
*CGLLine left
*CGLButton quit "Cancel" ^[
*CGLCommand Nop

*otherFore Black
*otherBack Light Gray
*otherItemFore Wheat
*otherItemBack Gray50
*otherFont *helvetica*m*r*n*14*
*otherButtonFont *helvetica*m*o*n*14*
*otherLine center
*otherText "Select host:"
*otherLine left
*otherButton quit "Lc2" s
*otherCommand Exec exec winterm -T lc2 -n lc2 -e rsh lc2 &
*otherLine left
*otherButton quit "Wimpy" s
*otherCommand Exec exec winterm -T wimpy -n wimpy -e rsh wimpy &
*otherLine left
*otherButton quit "Cancel" ^[
*otherCommand Nop

-- David Konerding --
Graduate Group in Biophysics, Box 0448
University of California
San Francisco, CA 94143
email: dek_at_cgl.ucsf.edu WWW:http://picasso.ucsf.edu/~dek
"You are in a twisty maze of configuration files, all different"

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Received on Fri Mar 22 1996 - 18:09:56 GMT

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