FVWM: xfm Slightly off-topic.

From: David Kennedy <D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 13:02:03 GMT

This isn't exactly on an fvwm topic.
I abandoned using Sun's File Manager long ago but other users like
a file manager rather than using the shell. Fair enough.
Fvwm interacts badly with sun tools, especially in some preferences

People here recommended I just switch over to using xfm, today I got
our site manager to install it properly (much handier!).
However its more or less up to me to get it work 'right'.

There are a few problems...and as people here recommended it I reckoned
I should ask you lot first, I'm not actually sure if fvwm is implicated
or not yet. When I start it the file viewer is four virtual screens tall!

And won't resize itself to fit what is in it. Using -geometry affects the
size of the apps manager. How can I get it to start in (a) a small window
with scroll bars I can use (rather than a big window with a big scrollbar!)
and (b) preferably in icon mode.

Any help appreciated, if patches advised please include a site.
(I have asked on comp.windows.x.apps but our newsfeed is flakey.)
David Kennedy, Dept. of Pure & Applied Physics, Queen's University of Belfast
Email: D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.ac.uk | URL: http://star.pst.qub.ac.uk/~dcjk/
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Received on Tue Mar 12 1996 - 07:00:50 GMT

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