FVWM: trouble w/new FvwmButtons

From: Rich Derr <rhd_at_interaccess.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 08:25:01 -0600 (CST)

   The first of Jarl's new FvwmButtons I tried was 080396,
and now I've tried 110396 with the three fvwm patches he
has on his page. With either version, if I attempt to use
an icon, I get an X error (BadDrawable, I think). If I
attempt to use a title, I get no error, but FvwmButtons
doesn't run.

   With 080396, this configuration:

*FvwmButtons(2x1 Swallow "FvwmPager" 'Module FvwmPager 0 1')

worked. (Well, if another button had a Size option
specified, that worked.) With 110396, that doesn't work.

   I suppose I'll re-install the basic fvwm-2.0.41 sometime
today so I can do some work, but I'm wondering what's going
on. Unfortunately I have no X11 programming experience, so
I can't help too much.

   This is all with the Xfree86 3.1.2 Mach8 server on
Linux 1.3.69, libc 5.0.9.
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Received on Mon Mar 11 1996 - 08:27:57 GMT

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