Re: FVWM: FvwmPager Bug ??

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 09:24:50 -0500

>>>>> "Graeme" == Graeme McCaffery <> writes:

Graeme> I've noticed a similar problem when running solaris 2.4 on a
Graeme> sparc20 and fvwm2.

Graeme> Motif programs seem to have the most problem. They crash my X
Graeme> server occasionally but not alway. from what I can determine
Graeme> is that it has somthing to do with a signal being caught

I've seen Netscape bring down our X servers here, and it seems to be
linked to the motif scrollbar somehow. I don't know if it's exactly
the same problem that you are seeing, but I thought it was worth
mentioning. It's happening under AIX 3.2.5, X11R5, Motif 1.2.4. I do
believe that some patch installed under AIX fixes it though.

Graeme> I'm not sure if this is a fvwm problem but if anyone knows
Graeme> what is happening, I would be grateful.

I don't believe it has anything to do with fvwm, since it's killing X
itself and some people here see it under mwm as well.

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Received on Thu Mar 07 1996 - 08:25:13 GMT

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