FVWM: FVWM PixmapButton patch

From: Andrew Veliath <veliaa_at_rpi.edu>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 1996 22:47:26 -0500

Thanks for the feedback and fixes, as they speed things up ;-) ! Sorry for
the late response as well since I've had a busy spell lately ;-(.

Kim Lassila writes:

> 1) You should be able to specify different pixmaps for buttons of active
> and inactive windows like this:
> ButtonStyle 2 Pixmap activeUp.xpm activeDown.xpm inactiveUp.xpm
> inactiveDown.xpm

This shouldn't be very difficult, I'll implement it in the next version.

> 2) You should be able to specify pixmaps for titlebar backgrounds. This
> one may be a bit tougher to implement, but it would be worth it!
> The expression could be something like this:
> TitleStyle Pixmap activeTitlebg.xpm inactiveTitlebg.xpm

This shouldn't be too bad to try; the only question is how to layout
the pixmap to account for any horizontal size. My first guess would
be to just repeat the pixmap horizontally (which would,
however,facilitate the need of a "seamless" horizontal pixmap). One
might opt alternatively to use a single centered pixmap.

I think the best way to handle the TitleStyle however would be to give
a modifier of /which/ type of window as you've mentioned, and to make
it simple something similar to one per line, such as:

TitleStyle <Active | Inactive | Sticky> <Simple | <Pixmap <Up Pixmap> [Down Pixmap] > >

I have break next week and will implement a test of this since for no
other reason than it seems neat. Also, the title style declaration
could possibly include a text justification specifier. A "down" title
pixmap should probably also be optionally specified in the same manner
as the button pixmap.

> 3) The height of the titlebar should optionally be able to be specified
> in fvwm2rc. This would help fitting the pixmaps without changing the
> title font.

This is an interesting idea as well. Ian also mentioned making the
button a reduced version of the currently assigned icon. I think this
could just be an added button style, such as "ButtonStyle 1 UseIcon"
or something along those lines (?). Someone mentioned they had code
to reduce pixmaps (hint, hint... ;) -- within the PixmapButton
framework it should be almost straitforward. I was also thinking it
would be nice to be able to override the global button assignment from
the window Style declaration... All of these things should naturally
be [preprocessor] optional.

I will make a web page available next week with some more
info and the latest implementation of the patch. Again, thanks.


Andrew Veliath <veliaa_at_rpi.edu>
Finger for PGP Key
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