FVWM: yet another FvwmButtons version

From: <jarl_at_cptsu5.univ-mrs.fr>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 1996 20:51:21 +0100 (MET)

...you must be getting tired by now. So I'll wait a while before going on.
After all, you people got to get settled enough to start sending bug reports
and/xor praise.

So what is new in this FvwmButtons since v2.0.41? Where to start? The big
thing I guess is that you can put several buttons inside common frames, you
can bind commands to seperate mouse buttons, simpler to divide buttons,
lesser memory footprint (I think), can use multiple fonts, can swallow old
windows on startup and unswallow them on exit, survives childrens crashes,
can even respawn the program that died. And so on.

For an example of how it can look, point your hypertext eaters at

where you can also get my distribution of FvwmButtons, and a couple of
patches, for fvwm-v2.0.41 and FvwmIconBox-v0.63.

If you decide to try it out (please do!) and like it, or not, or just find
it to crash too much, or lack some features - MAIL ME! Sure, I'm doing this
for myself, but it would be nice to hear from someone who has glimpsed at it
before I completely lose momentum here... Hrm.. I can feel it happening!? ;-)

Enough talk, go on and have a peek at the page. If you're hypertextually
challenged, mail me, and I'll send you everything through the pipes.

Vyrdsamt, (Andy: This Norwegian/Norse word means ~ "Respectfully" :-) )
-Jarl <jatotal_at_stud.unit.no>
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Received on Sat Mar 02 1996 - 13:50:05 GMT

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