Re: FVWM: Re: SkipMapping

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 15:30:13 -0500

>>>>> "Alan" == Alan Wild <> writes:

Alan> This really does reflect poorly on the documentation, though.
Alan> I've been using fvwm for quite some time, hacked the source
Alan> code, made patches, etc. But there are features buried in here
Alan> that even experienced users don't recognize.

Alan> I realize the documentation is 3000x better than it used to be.

I'm very glad you put that line in there.

Alan> I guess all we can do is flag this to be documented.

Correct. In fact, I encourage this very highly. Before fvwm2 can be
officially released, the docs and install process need to be pretty
clean and correct, which is what I've been trying to improve on

When you encounter missing or incorrect things, definitely inform me
please. I'll try to update the docs for the following release.

Alan> I, personally, wouldn't mind seeing a manpage just on Fvwm's
Alan> style hints.

It probably won't get it's own man page, but I would like to make sure
that all of the options are at least touched on slightly and get
improved over time.

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Received on Thu Feb 29 1996 - 14:38:26 GMT

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