FVWM: Just an idea, desktop lock on the mousecursor..

From: Andy Eskilsson <mpt95aes_at_pt.hk-r.se>
Date: 28 Feb 1996 13:57:30 +0100

I just had this bright(?) idea, when switching desktop with the keys,
why not save the position of the mouse cursor, and restore it next
time I pass that desktop?

Is it something that only I need or?

The reason why I would like this is that sometimes I work with the
xtem up to the right in one desktop, and my emacs to the left in the
other desktop (and also trying to migrate from the mouse) so when I
have to write something in the other window I have to move the desktop
and then move the mouse.

And clicktofocus is _no_ alternative.


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Received on Wed Feb 28 1996 - 06:58:16 GMT

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