FVWM: PPosition

From: Michael Tiefenback <tiefen_at_mgt.cebaf.gov>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 14:56:36 -0500 (EST)

I am confused (in general about many things, but in specific about
PPosition). Fvwm 1.nn used to have in its documentation a mention of the
NoPPosition style. It was a relatively abbreviated description, so that
those not "in the know" didn't have their status much changed as a result
of reading it. It seems to be even more nebulous in the fvwm2 docs (as in:
it seems not to be mentioned at all). Am I overlooking something in the
manpages? There were some much earlier messages on the list touching on
this feature, but I don't have them recorded. I mention this only
because the recent questions asked by users made me try to find the
answer in the docs and I couldn't.

Michael Tiefenback

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Received on Fri Feb 16 1996 - 13:56:49 GMT

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