FVWM: tkgoodstuff Pager client

From: <mark.crimmins_at_umich.edu>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 16:17:00 -0500

This is the first message to the tkgoodstuff list (and it's being sent
also to the fvwm list). Welcome everybody!

This is to alert you to some new stuff and changes in the in-progress
4.1b5 tkgoodstuff (which works only with the just-released tcl7.5b1
and tk4.1b1).

The most interesting new thing is a new client "Pager" by Eric Kahler
that, like WindowList (which is now a client) works only when
tkgoodstuff is used as an fvwm module (tkgoodstuff must be executed as
a module by fvwm). The Pager shows miniature versions of each fvwm
desktop. It doesn't draw little windows like the FvwmPager module,
but lights up the pages that have windows on them, and shows you which
page/desktop you're on. It allows you to
switch pages/desktops, and you can move a window to an arbitrary
window/desktop by dragging with mouse button 2 from the window's
button in the (tkgoodstuff) WindowList. Eric and I would be
interested in feedback, including about desired additional features.

Notice that the docs for the in-progress tkgoodstuff are not up to
date. Here is the latest stuff in the CHANGES file:

  NOW tkgoodstuff assumes tk4.1b1 or later (we're aiming at supporting
  the ultimate 4.1 release; and backward compatibility is too much

     - Clock, Ical, Jots: use the new "clock" command instead of "exec

     - tkgoodstuff:

       + "create-label-box" renamed to "TKGLabelBox".

       + Use "ps -p [pid]" if "ps [pid]" gives an error, and don't
       assume there's a STAT column in the ps output (thanks
       J. Robinson).

       + Implement TKGAddToHook and TKGDoHook (general hook
       utilities). Several hooks are defined (for client use) in
       tkgoodstuff, Fvwm.tcl, etc.

       + Change default fonts to non-italic, non-bold.

     - Biff: avoid tcl7.5b1's gets bugs by not doing "gets $f var".

     - New client "Pager" in progress by Eric Kahler. Check out the
     current version in this distribution. Needs tkgoodstuff to be
     run as an fvwm module (from the fvwm window manager).

     - The fvwm WindowList feature has become a client. To call it,
     you now issue "Client WindowList".

     - Fvwm is no longer a client. Its code is loaded by the WindowList
     and Pager clients as needed. You will get an error if you load
     it as a client (as you had to in earlier versions). (NOTE!!!)

     - Fvwm: fvwm's messages are more easily available to clients, we
     maintain a more complete database of the information available
     from fvwm, and we slightly enhanced tkfvwm (the new version of
     tkfvwm4.1 is needed to take advantage of all the information).
     Look at Fvwm.tcl for more info. These changes were primarily to
     support Eric Kahler's cool Pager client.

     - Ical: Gave one alarm per item per calendar fetch. Oops. Stick
     to one per item.

     - Jots: Made widgets behave sensibly under manual resizing (until
     tk4.1b1's empty-frame bug showed up, that is).

Mark Crimmins
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Received on Thu Feb 15 1996 - 15:16:49 GMT

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