Re: FVWM: GoodStuff

From: Chris Rode <>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 20:02:31 CST writes:

} >>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Werner <> writes:
} Kevin> Also, on a somewhat related issue. Is there a clock
} Kevin> program that has a compact digital face? I am using
} Kevin> the Openwindows clock (swallowed into GoodStuff), but
} Kevin> it is a little to big.
} How about the stock X11 xclock? It looks just fine in a
} GoodStuff/FvwmButtons bar, I think.

i swallow xdaliclock into my FvwmButtons with the following:

*FvwmButtons(2x1) - whatever Swallow "XDaliClock" Exec (sleep 20; nice \
xdaliclock -noseconds -font \
"-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" -fg LightGray -bg Black \
-geometry 130x50-1500-1500) &

note you can set the font to whatever you like, so it can be as compact
as you want...


chris rode - -
while(1){system("echo 'CDA SUCKS!'|mail");}
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Received on Mon Feb 12 1996 - 20:03:01 GMT

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