FVWM: FvwmIconMan 0.3 released

From: Brady Montz <bradym_at_cs.arizona.edu>
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 1996 20:29:45 -0700 (MST)

I just uploaded FvwmIconMan 0.3 onto hpc.uh.edu. Gauging from last time,
an announcement should appear here when it's moved into its final resting
place. As always, you can also get it from:


Mahler is the machine on my desk, so it's there right now.


* It now correctly keeps the manager lists sorted when windows change names.
* Added an option: sort, to control whether or not to sort.
* Added an option: followfocus, when set the manager will keep track of
        which window has the focus.
* You can customize the look of buttons in the following states: the window
        has focus, the cursor is in the button, the cursor is in the
        button AND the window has focus, and plain buttons. For each
        state you can specify the foreground and background color, and whether
        the button looks raised, flat, or sunk. I use the same color scheme
        as my titlebars, and it's a big improvement.
* It has an Imakefile. No more config.h junk unless you want/have to. (you
        still need to set FVWM_VERSION appropriately, but it defaults to
        2 now).
* Added an action for when the cursor enters a window's button, and you
        can bind fvwm events to it.
* Up to know you could only set a window's manager based on the value of
        its Resource. Now you can use regular expressions, and match against
        the icon, title, class, and resource of a window. Matching against the
        title or icon name can result in you window moving from one manager to
* I include a patch to fvwm 2.0.40 to modify the Focus function so that you
        can bind Focus to the above action, and get it to work like the
        TWM icon manager.
* Fixed some bugs, and probably introduced more.

I'd like to thank David Berson (berson_at_cs.pitt.edu) and Ricardo Gonsalez
(ricardog_at_obelix.stanford.edu) for their code donations.


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Received on Sun Feb 11 1996 - 21:29:52 GMT

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