Re: FVWM: Changing the xterm title bar label

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 09:10:44 -0500

>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Valery <valery_at_UICC.COM> writes:

Mark> How do I go about changing the label on an existing xterm titlebar
Mark> from within that xterm?

Since several people have already answered this, I won't bother.

Mark> I'm running 2.0p38

The latest 2.xx beta is 2.0.40, BTW.

Mark> Also, does anybody know if its possible to change the code that
Mark> does the titlebar labeling to accept the mwm commands.

What do you mean MWM commands to change the titlebar? If the program
uses standard methods for changing the window name, the titlebar
should be updated correctly.

Mark> I ask because the application that we primarily run here is
Mark> cadence. Cadence will update the mwm titlebar if you push down into the
Mark> hierarchy of the layout to match the cell that is currently being
Mark> edited.

Unfortunately I don't have a copy of Cadence, so I can't test this.
But as I said above, it should work. Use FvwmIdent to see if the
window name is changing correctly even if the titlebar isn't.

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Received on Thu Feb 08 1996 - 08:11:03 GMT

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