On Tue, 6 Feb 1996, Brian E. Gallew wrote:
> I think lots of people are missing the point of fVwm. Tabs are essential, when
> you are limited to a single desktop. With multiple desktops, tabs are kinda
> silly. Admittedly, someone who has acquired their organizational habits from
> twm will desire tabs no matter how many desktops/windows they have configured,
> BUT that individual is probably better off sticking with twm if they aren't
> interested in trying new organizational methods.
I don't know if the I'd go so far to say tabs are silly...But Brian makes
a good point: Why lump all your stuff together on 1 desktop when you can
spread it over a bunch?? I run about 5-10 xterms and applications. You
don't need tabbing if you have multiple desktops. The other thing I do is
bind Raise/Lower to the F1 key...If I stack related windows on a desktop I
can tap through them quckly with that. Just use a 3x1 vitual desktop and the
'paging' feature to jump from desktop to desktop. There's my 2 bits...
Jon Watson
| The MITRE Corporation | Northeastern University |
| D086 Advanced Systems - Signal Processing | Boston, Massachussests, USA. |
| Bedford, Massachussests, USA. | College of Engineering (EE) |
| watson_at_linus.mitre.org | watson_at_meceng.coe.neu.edu |
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Received on Wed Feb 07 1996 - 07:07:54 GMT