Re: FVWM: tabbing in fvwm?

From: David Mosberger-Tang <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 1996 13:12:25 -0700

>>>>> On Tue, 6 Feb 1996 14:35:29 -0500, <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM> (Charles Hines) said:

>>>>> "David" == David Mosberger-Tang <> writes:

  David> Does fvwm v2.x support tabbing a la twm? To make sure we're
  David> talking about the same thing: what I'm looking for is the
  David> ability to make the title bar just wide enough to hold the
  David> window title (and whatever buttons end up in the title bar).
  David> In twmrc, this is called option "SqueezeTitle". I find this
  David> feature invaluable in giving fast and convenient access to
  David> multiple stacked windows.

>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff S Elam <> writes:

  Jeff> That sounds like a GREAT feature. I second the request!

  Chuck> I think it sounds interesting, but never having used it I'm
  Chuck> having a hard time seeing how it would be more useful than
  Chuck> having the full sized titles, which really don't take up that
  Chuck> much more room.

  Chuck> Perhaps my typical window layouts make a difference here,
  Chuck> since I can see that they probably wouldn't benefit at all
  Chuck> from this feature.

  Chuck> I can see a potential benefit if you like to lay out your
  Chuck> windows overlapping horizontally. Do you do this? Do a lot
  Chuck> of people out there do this?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm using it for. My typical layout consists
of about half a dozens xterms and one emacs window spread along the
screen bottom. Graphically, it looks something like this (assuming
xterm1 is on top of the other xterms and emacs is on top of xterm4):

        +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
        | xterm1 | | xterm2 | | xterm3 | | xterm4 | | emacs |
        | | |
        | | |
        | | |
        | | |
        | | |
        | | |

Thus, the tabs give direct access to any window. With full title
bars, the above configuration would imply that xterm2 and xterm3 would
be hidden behind xterm1.

  Chuck> I'll have to think about this feature... I'll add it to the
  Chuck> TO-DO list with a question mark to remind me to investiage it
  Chuck> when I get a chance, but I can't make any guarantees.

I *do* appreciate your efforts to avoid bloating fvwm. However, I
also believe that tabbing is not just another "feature"---it really
can improve efficiency in interacting with a windowing system.

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