Re: FVWM: Linux .au sound player

From: Mark Boyns <>
Date: 28 Jan 1996 12:02:51 -0800

>>>>> "Raymond" == Raymond Toy <> writes:

    Raymond> My personal favorite is auplay that is part of NAS,
    Raymond> Network Audio System. The whole package might be a bit
    Raymond> too big for you, but, it has one major advantage over
    Raymond> rplay: if two sounds are played at almost the same time,
    Raymond> the sounds are added together so that you hear both.
    Raymond> With rplay, I think the second sound is blocked until the
    Raymond> first one is done playing. This is rather annoying if
    Raymond> you use sounds a lot.

Indeed, NAS is another good option. I really shouldn't get into this
on the fvwm list, but Raymond's message isn't correct. By default
rplay can play 12 sounds simultaneously and it has always been this

While we're talking about NAS, would anyone like to add built-in
support for NAS to FvwmAudio? This would greatly improve performance
for NAS users.

Mark Boyns <> <URL:>
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