FVWM: Need some new features to fvwm ;)

From: Hile Tuohela <ituohela_at_cc.helsinki.fi>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 01:47:51 +0200 (EET)


I need as fast as possible funtions to disable some function, key or
module definations, like killing Menus with DestroyMenu. Another way
to do this were to add functions DefineFunction and DefineModule, which
would override current functions/module definations: DefineMenu were
nice too, it were cleaner to say

DefineMenu Programs ...
DestroyMenu Programs
AddtoMenu Programs ...

You know what happens if you forget DestroyMenu ;) I think it's silly
to restart window manager to change a menu, add a button to button bar
or start playing doom & disable cursor movement with ctrl, alt + arrows.
Last one could be done just by adding possiblity to undefine keys by
saying something like

Key Left A CM Nop

which would disable Left with alt+ctrl. Now fvwm eats event, but does
nothing. AND this shouldn't of course disable left+alt or left+ctrl.

Yes I can live without these, but I think these functions are necessary:
think about reading twice FvwmButtons section from some rc file, oops we
have all buttons twice!! Same with functions. My idea is, that we should
be able to read any config file multiple times without messing things up.
This way we could use my function RestartModules, which reads config
files for different modules, kills all running modules and restarts

What do you think about my way of using Read and resource files? I think
it's better this way: lib/fvwm2 has a subdirectory resources. There is
a config file for every module, styles, icons, functions mouse/key
binding etc. my system .fvwm2rc reads these and does nothing else:
so a user can copy system rc file, make his own key bindings file
and use everything else from system just by changing where to read
key bindings from. Haven't noticed any speed penalty from reading
multiple files. I'll send my resources dir tar'red if you want,
it could be nice to have this structure default. Maybe .fvwm2rc should
itself be moved there with name FvwmRc and tell fvwm to read it from
there when compiled... I think this change could help us write tools to
change resources interactively like FvwmConfig does.

FvwmButtons: Has someone thought about adding a button which would
'close' button bar, or move it vertically/horizontally a'la NeXT? Closed
button bar would have only this one button with a 'Open' logo on it.
I find this pretty useful. Also submenus were cool, or group button
windows... And pushing a swallowed program should be possible to use
starting another program ( pushing xbiff starts mailer ... )

Still more: is someone working with standard for icon name/application
interface? It were not big thing make fvwm to try first find icons with
applications' name/resource with first letter capital (for netscape
Netscape.xpm), then fall to default, and if explicitly defined, use
some other icon instead of the name matching one. I think this would
clean things.

Yes, I'm going to try write these small changes myself. Told you just
hoping that someone has already done this and I don't have to... tell me
if someone's working on these things. I have thousands of other little
patches to make fvwm better, but lets save some for next time too...

Merry Chrismas ;-)

        * hile *
        Email: ituohela_at_cc.helsinki.fi
        Finger, talk etc: ituohela_at_karhu.helsinki.fi
        URL(finnish): http://www.helsinki.fi/~ituohela/
        Home address: Karstulantie 8 e 75, Helsinki, Finland
        Phone: +358 0 7741258

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