Re: FVWM: Problem with de-iconify'ng windows not being on top.

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 14:38:50 -0500

>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Windsor <> writes:

Rob> Verily did Robert Nation write:
>> I guess you're saying that when fvwm de-iconifies windows, it doesn't raise
>> them. This is deliberate, because you control it in your .fvwmrc file.

>> Instead of Iconify, use Iconify-Func:

>> AddToFunc Iconify-Func "I" Iconify
>> + "I" Raise

>> Then it is not a problem.

Rob> Woo-woo! Cool! (it works)

Rob> (Say, is this in the FAQ, and if not, could someone put it in,
Rob> for others?)

I'll see that it gets put into the included .fvwmrc file, at least.
Perhaps the FAQ as well.

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Received on Mon Dec 18 1995 - 13:39:18 GMT

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