FVWM: tkgoodstuff as an fvwm module

From: <mark.crimmins_at_umich.edu>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 13:47:49 -0500

I've gotten some mail about problems setting up tkgoodstuff as an fvwm
module. Most problems come from one of two sources:

1. Not installing tkfvwm. You need to do this. You must either use
"fvwmwish" (an extended wish interepreter) or use wish4.1 and have a
loadable library tkfvwm4.1.so in the tk4.1 library directory. Read
the tkgoodstuff docs for pointers.

2. Using the "win95" sample rc file included in the distribution. Way
out of date and completely useless. Very sorry. I enclose a replacement.

# .TkGoodStuffrc for a win95 look.

set TKG_fullscreen bottom

Client Fvwm

Client Menu
Menu 1
  Menu Applications
    Exec Rxvt rxvt
    Exec Emacs "emacs"
    Tcl "Files/FTP" "Fvwm_WarpOrExec xdir"
    Tcl Knews "Fvwm_WarpOrExec knews"
    Exec Weather {rxvt -T Weather -e telnet um-weather.sprl.umich.edu 3000}
    Exec Wingz Wingz
  Menu Utilities
    Exec TkMan tkman
    Exec Webster xwebster
    Exec xfontsel xfontsel
    Exec XV xv
    Exec rmt /usr/local/lib/tk4.1/demos/rmt
Menu 3
    Tcl "Restart fvwm" {fvwm send 0 {Restart ""}}
    Tcl "Exit fvwm" {fvwm send 0 {Quit ""}}


Client WWW
Client Biff

AddButton logout -imagefile $TKG_icons/xlogo.xpm -text Log\nOut \
    -tclcmd {fvwm send 0 {Quit ""}}

Client Clock
set Clock_analog 0
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Received on Sun Dec 17 1995 - 12:47:30 GMT

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