FVWM: IconBox Style, Meta-Q Command

From: Mike Blatchley <mikeb_at_maxtor.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 14:51:44 -0700 (MST)

Under version 1 of fvwm, multiple IconBox'es could be defined and when
one was full, the next would be used. i.e.

   IconBox 5 -80 -450 -5
   IconBox 5 -180 -450 -105

I have recently built version 2.0.39 and this feature no longer seems to
function the same. I have changed the syntax in the .fvwmrc file
appropriately to:

   Style "*" IconBox 5 -80 -450 -5
   Style "*" IconBox 5 -180 -450 -105

Now, only the last box defined is used. When it is full, the icons
annoyingly place themselves in the middle of the screen, but near the
window being iconized. Is there a way to make IconBox work like version
1? I experimented with using the FvwmIconBox module, but it seems to show
all icons including those for windows that are open.

My second question is regarding defining a key to close windows. I had
been used to OpenWindows Meta-Q command for closing, so I included:

    Key Q FTIWS M Close

in .fvwmrc. This didn't work (with the capital Q), but I eventually
stumbled on

    Key q FTIWS M Close

which does work. I have tried this on both my Linux/XFree86 machines and
my Solaris2.3 SparcStation with the same results. Is it that X just
defines the Meta keys with the lower case keysymdef's? I've got it
working, but am just wondering why!

Any information on these would be appreciated.



* Mike Blatchley * Maxtor Corporation * (303) 678-2393 *
* email: Mike_Blatchley_at_maxtor.com -or- mikeb_at_maxtor.com *
* MIME Mail Reader * *

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Received on Mon Dec 11 1995 - 16:01:17 GMT

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