Re: FVWM: move with fvwm-2.039

From: <>
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 95 22:58:42 +0100

Since I have had no response to my original problem, maybe someone can tell me
where to look to try and understand what is going on. As it stands I cannot
fvwm2 (pl39) at all.

Original mail was:
> Hi,
> We have been working with fvwm 1.24r until now. Today I got hold of fvwm2.039.
> It built without problems, but I have a bizarre behaviour when trying to move
> a window - instead of following the mouse the window will jump down the screen
> and will only move left or right (even when moving the mouse up/down
> left/right). Releasing the mouse button - the window will jump again...the
> usual result is that the window goes offscreen somewhere. This happens with
> move from the window-ops menu or just by clicking on the title bar.
> Second - maybe related - problem is the pager. Here clicking on the desired
> desktop does not work - focus jumps to another....
> I have tried with both the sample.fvwmrc that came with the distribution and
> my own converted .fvwmrc - the results are the same.
> The system is DEC alpha OSF1/3.2a , compiler was "cc -migrate" but I have tried
> also with "cc" both with and without the optimiser - same results.
> Anyone have any ideas??
> Thanks,
> Ian Bird.

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Received on Fri Dec 01 1995 - 15:58:48 GMT

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