FVWM: 2.0.39 Solaris 2.5BETA compilation problems

From: Mark Boyns <boyns_at_sdsu.edu>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 10:35:47 -0800

I had 2 problems compiling the new fvwm:

1. fvwm/fvwm.c uses a basename library function which I don't think is
very standard. My fix was to simply remove it (it's only used in a

*** fvwm.c.orig Thu Nov 16 10:20:54 1995
--- fvwm.c Thu Nov 16 10:21:12 1995
*** 1053,1059 ****
  void usage(void)
    fprintf(stderr,"\nFvwm Version %s Usage:\n\n",VERSION);
! fprintf(stderr," %s [-d dpy] [-debug] [-f config_cmd] [-s] [-blackout] [-version] [-h]\n",basename(g_argv[0]));
--- 1053,1059 ----
  void usage(void)
    fprintf(stderr,"\nFvwm Version %s Usage:\n\n",VERSION);
! fprintf(stderr," %s [-d dpy] [-debug] [-f config_cmd] [-s] [-blackout] [-version] [-h]\n", g_argv[0]);

2. FvwmBanner didn't link because it was missing -lsocket and -lnsl.
This occurred because the FvwmBanner Imakefile defines:


and the Makefile created by imake defines:

    EXTRA_LIBRARIES = -lsocket -lnsl

Note that EXTRA_LIBRARIES in Imakefile overrides the definition by
imake. I don't know what to recommend here as a good solution. My
quick solution was to define:


Now to see if it works...

Mark Boyns <boyns_at_sdsu.edu>                  D3 28 A2 F7 D1 4C F8 EE
<URL:http://www.sdsu.edu/~boyns/>            BF 7A 11 54 1C E5 6E CC
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Received on Thu Nov 16 1995 - 12:36:00 GMT

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