Re: FVWM: Re: icon handling in fvwm2

From: Austin Donnelly <>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 14:23:38 +0000 (GMT)

On Thu, 9 Nov 1995, chuck_hines wrote:

> Austin> Well, I've now implemented this scheme. The syntax has
> Austin> changed slightly, the quotes (") being replaced by square
> Austin> brackets ([]).
> But why did you change the "" to []?

Cosmetics mainly :)

In a variety of languages, lists are formed using square brackets. I
originally thought using "" would be easier because a tokeniser might
pass the entire quoted string on, but it turned out that the parsing
code in parse.c wasn't so dependant on tokenising as I had imagined.

If the entire parse code is due for a re-write, then "" might make
more sense.

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Received on Thu Nov 09 1995 - 08:23:52 GMT

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