FVWM: Re: blanking screen for a long time

From: Andy Eskilsson <mpt95aes_at_sikt.hk-r.se>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 12:14:38 +0100

/ rnation_at_mansvr.sanders.lockheed.com (Robert Nation 885-9815) wrote:
| Note that, if people find that the black intro screen is slowing things
| down, then it is a mis-feature, and should just be removed. Also, if you
| make the intro screen highly configurable, then it will take a while to read in
| the options on how to display it, and it may become ineffective (or may
| become even more irritating, depending on your perspective.)

Of course it is `slowing` things down, mentally at least, time never
goes so slow when you have nothing to look at, even if it would take
longer time in seconds to not having the black-out, people will think
it takes shorter time because they see thing happening.

BTW do we really need the blackout on the first startup, I start with
a clean desktop, but what does your startup look like??
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Received on Wed Nov 08 1995 - 05:15:30 GMT

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