Re: FVWM: Re: blanking screen for a long time (fwd)

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 1995 13:30:18 -0500

>>>>> "Rob" == Robert Nation 885-9815 <> writes:

>> Rob added some calls to black out the screen during window captures so
>> you wouldn't have to see all that happening. I'm going to make it an
>> optional feature, I think, since I like to know that fvwm is actually
>> doing something during this blackout...

Rob> Actually, I thought that this would make things happen more
Rob> quickly/smoothly. While fvwm is adding borders, it keeps raising
Rob> and lowering and reparenting windows, which means that they get
Rob> lots of expose events, and they redraw a lot, many times
Rob> unnecessarily, because they soon get hidden again. I thought that
Rob> the single black window covering everything would keep these
Rob> windows from getting unneede expose events, and minimize redraws.

Ah... That makes sense.


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Received on Mon Nov 06 1995 - 12:30:36 GMT

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