Re: FVWM: autoraise with new windows

From: Paul D. Smith <>
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 95 11:30:20 EST

%% Regarding Re: FVWM: autoraise with new windows;
%% Kai Grossjohann <> writes:

>>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Scott <> writes:

    Mark> Does anyone know why FvwmAuto doesn't raise the window that
    Mark> has focus when a new window comes up & happens to land
    Mark> partially over my focused window?

    kg> Chuck, please don't unconditionally change this behavior. I
    kg> wouldn't want the new window to be obscured. What does
    kg> everybody else think?

I'm with you, Kai: I much prefer the current behavior. If anything,
please make this new behavior optional.

As an aside, I'm still seeing the "stubborn autoraise" problem I had
even after, at the suggestion of this list, upping my autoraise timeout
to 750 (from 500). It's less frequent but I can still make it happen
somewhat consistently if I try :(. Plus now I have to reset my whole
internal mouse/timing/raise clock :-/ :)

Surely there must be some solution to this? Someone responded to my
last message saying that they thought it was a X timing issue, where
events were being delivered out-of-order from the X server. Are we sure
this is the case? Can it be tested? I maintain a stubborn hope that
it's a bug in FVWM somewhere :)

 Paul D. Smith <> Network Management Development
 Senior Software Engineer Bay Networks, Inc.
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
     These are my opinions--Bay Networks takes no responsibility for them.
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