FVWM: Error compiling 2.0pl37 on DEC-Station 5000

From: Kees de Bruin <bruin_at_tasking.nl>
Date: 31 Oct 1995 11:50:06 +0100


the source code of Fvwm 2.0pl37 does not compile on a DEC Station 5000 with
the 3.0 version of the DEC C compiler. The linker complains that it cannot
resolve the function strdup() which is used in envvar.c in the libs
directory. I don't know if the source of Fvwm should be ANSI compatible,
but if yes, it is not as the strdup() function is not part of ANSI.

If this problem is solved in a more recent version of Fvwm, please ignore
this mail. Otherwise, please give some suggestions (apart from implementing
the function strdup() myself, or using GCC and associates) on how to solve

Kind regards,


| | __   .-. .-.    Kees de Bruin        Tasking Software BV   B  O S T O  N
| |/ /  _| | | |_                                              -------------
|   <  / _ | | _ \  bruin_at_tasking.nl       +31-33-4 55 85 84   S Y S T E M S
|_|\_\ \___| |___/                    fax: +31-33-4 55 00 33   -------------
                                                               O  F F I C  E
He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with    -----###-----
both eyes...                                                   T A S K I N G
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Received on Tue Oct 31 1995 - 05:17:32 GMT

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