FVWM: Connecting functions to FvwmButtons entries

From: Kees de Bruin <bruin_at_tasking.nl>
Date: 27 Oct 1995 11:04:39 +0100


I would like to connect functions to the entries in a Fvwm Button bar, but
these should only be triggered when used for example with the right mouse
button. It is possible to define a function (using AddToFunction) that is
called when the button is pressed, but this triggers on all mouse buttons.

An example usage is:

 * Various desks for various actions (mail, development, etc)
 * When selecting a desk using the Left mouse button, I would like to
   switch to that desk
 * When using the Right mouse button, I would like to switch to that desk
   and show a popup menu specific for that desk

Can someone tell me if this is possible (using 2.0pl33 as pl37 will not
compile without an ANSI compiler)?



| | __   .-. .-.    Kees de Bruin        Tasking Software BV   B  O S T O  N
| |/ /  _| | | |_                                              -------------
|   <  / _ | | _ \  bruin_at_tasking.nl       +31-33-4 55 85 84   S Y S T E M S
|_|\_\ \___| |___/                    fax: +31-33-4 55 00 33   -------------
                                                               O  F F I C  E
You can learn many things from children.  How much patience    -----###-----
you have, for instance                  -- Franklin P. Jones   T A S K I N G
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Received on Fri Oct 27 1995 - 05:24:12 GMT

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