Hi, fellow fvwm users.
I have a suggestion on the color usage in the menu icon package: Use
the 32 colors that is defined in the AIcons package (found at
ftp.x.org I think). We are still a large amount of people stuck with
8bit displays or worse, and I need as many free colors I can get to
use some data visualization programs (I prefer not be forced to use
private colormaps).
What is AIcons? It is a LARGE collection of pixmaps & bitmaps
approx. 5000 items. A lot of very cool icons. They all use the same 32
Attached is the default colormap from the AIcons package,
/* XPM */
static char * colormap_xpm[] = {
/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */
"6 5 30 1",
/* colors */
" c black",
". c DarkSlateGrey",
"X c SlateGrey",
"o c grey",
"O c gainsboro",
"+ c white",
"_at_ c navy",
"# c blue",
"$ c DodgerBlue",
"% c SkyBlue",
"& c lavender",
"* c cyan",
"= c purple",
"- c firebrick",
"; c SeaGreen",
": c LimeGreen",
"> c green",
", c PaleGreen",
"< c magenta",
"1 c red",
"2 c tomato",
"3 c orange",
"4 c gold",
"5 c yellow",
"6 c violet",
"7 c sienna",
"8 c peru",
"9 c tan",
"0 c wheat",
"q c LemonChiffon",
/* pixels */
" .XoO+",
Just a small suggestion, I'm gonna convert all icons to this colormap
Oh, is icons in the titlebar gonna show up soon?
Best regards,
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Univ. of Tromsoe, N-9037 Tromsoe, Norway.
Tlf. +47 77 64 40 00, Fax +47 77 64 47 65.
Roy Dragseth, Ph. D. st.
direct call: +47 77 64 40 31
email: royd_at_math.uit.no
HTTP adress: http://www.math.uit.no/~royd
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Received on Wed Oct 18 1995 - 10:54:41 BST