FVWM: Re: TogglePage equivalent in fvwm 2.0?

From: Mark Borges <mdb_at_cdc.noaa.gov>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 10:44:49 -0600

>> On Thu, 12 Oct 1995 08:26:01 -0700 (PDT),
>> James Tsiao(JT) wrote:
JT> I've just started to play around with fvwm 2.0 and noticed that
JT> the TogglePage command is no longer valid. Is there an equivalent

TogglePage doesn't exist in fvwm2.0

The functionality is replaced by EdgeScroll, which you can stick in a
menu by doing something like:

AddToMenu Utilities "Utilities" Title
+ "Paging ..." Popup Paging-Style
[rest of menu elided]

AddToMenu Paging-Style "Paging Options" Title
+ "OFF" EdgeScroll 0 0
+ "ON" EdgeScroll 100 100
+ "Horizontal Only" EdgeScroll 100 0
+ "Vertical Only" EdgeScroll 0 100
+ "Partial" EdgeScroll 50 50

So you see, it's more powerful with the (minor) inconvenience that you
can't stick it on a button (can you?).

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Received on Thu Oct 12 1995 - 11:41:14 BST

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