Re: FVWM: my wish list

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 1995 10:13:16 -0400

>>>>> "Scott" == Scott RoLanD <> writes:

Scott> ***Control over the icon pixmap vs. the 'icon text' the floats under
Scott> the icon pixmap (or is the sole piece of the icon when there is no
Scott> pixmap):
Scott> I'm really picky on space, and for programs like cm the icon
Scott> pixmap is sufficient and I don't want the icon text to even
Scott> appear. For most other things, I don't want there to be any icon
Scott> pixmap, just the icon text (trying to give a small 'invisible' pixmap,
Scott> just results in the icon text being as small in width as the pixmap).
>> Check out the man page where it describes the 'Style' command,
>> specifically the 'NoIconTitle' and the 'Icon/NoIcon' parts.
Scott> Cool, that covers half of what I want, but I think I want a new set of
Scott> styles 'IconPixmap/NoIconPixmap' so that I can choose to just show the
Scott> Icon Title w/o any attached pixmap:
Scott> Style "*" IconTitle, NoIconPixmap

Actually, if you just don't specify an Icon, and it (the app) doesn't
have a built in one, then it should only come up w/ the title. But
perhaps another style option that inhibits even built in icons (as you
suggest) would be a good idea. It'll have to wait until the Style
flags overhaul though, which will be my first big change after the
first official release.

Scott> ***Ability to use a double-click when the second click is held down:
Scott> I currently use the following setup, which allows me to click
Scott> and release to get a menu, as well as click and hold to get a menu,
Scott> but I can't double-click and hold to get the other menu.
Scott> Popup "Mouse1Popups"
Scott> Popup "Click" FVWM_control
Scott> Popup "Motion" FVWM_control
Scott> Popup "DoubleClick" screen_locks
Scott> EndFunction
>> I think that something like this will work in 2.xx, but I've never
>> tried it... Nope - a quick test shows that it doesn't work there
>> either. I'll take a look and see if this is a bug or working as
>> designed and how easily fixed/implemented.

Scott> You got my confidence up enough to look at my 1.24r code; and I got it
Scott> to work they way I want with this patch:
Scott> Without the IsClick(...) line, it is faster than the release of the
Scott> second-click, a sleep could be used, but I think that using IsClick
Scott> might also do some nice handling of quick movement after a
Scott> double-click (with a hold on the second click)----

Scott> I'm not sure if it was intentionally coded the other way before, but
Scott> it appeared to drop the case where I double click with a hold on the
Scott> second click.....

Well, I'll check out that patch and see if it adversely effects
anything else. It does change the behavior to happen on the press
instead of the release though, which was talked about a long time ago.
I believe MWM does a lot on the press as well.

>> Hope I've been of assistance.

Scott> Very much so, I recommend you get a raise!!!

Thanks. Unfortunately FVWM isn't part of my job description. It's
just something to do in the little spare time that I have left... I
do deservie a raise for the other stuff I do, though! ;^)

Scott> Another satisfied FVWM customer,
Scott> shr

Scott> PS If your curious, I'm not jumping to 2.0 beta now since you keep
Scott> saying that the official 2.0 will be put out soon (not that I'm afraid
Scott> of beta's, I just don't want to make two updates in two weeks). Just
Scott> don't announce that you've decided it will be FVWM '96. ;-)

Don't worry. Just a little while longer...


Charles K. Hines
IBM Logic Synthesis developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
and Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

Internet e-mail:

IBM Internal e-mail: (preferred from workstation)
                     HINESC at FISHKILL (preferred from mainframe)
                     HINESC at FSHVMFK1 (discouraged, but I'll get it)

 "dis ting could have possabiwities if I put my twisted widdle mind to it!"
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 "I have a paper plate in my head because they were all out of the metal ones"
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