FVWM: A couple of FVWM 2.0 questions.

From: Ludvig A. Norin <emph_at_ludd.luth.se>
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 1995 16:34:21 +0200

Hello Chuck and all others,

I am peeping at fvwm 2.0 as it develops. I wonder wether the function
"OpaqueResize" from fvwm 1.x has been renamed, accidently removed or
permanently removed?

I've checked the manpages, the FAQ, ChangeLog and the fvwmrc conversion
script, and found nothing.

Almost the same goes for the fvwm 1.x statement "include". I've found that
one can use the Statement "Read" with the same functionality, but I
think this is a think worth mentioning in the FAQ.

One last thing i am wondering about is the special effect that the title
bars get when you style them as "sticky" in fvwm 2.0 - a "MACiotic" effect
with horizontal lines (try making a window sticky, if you haven't seen it
folks, it's really nice). Is there any way of getting this effect on
non-sticky windows, too? This migh be a FAQ thing too.

Well, Chuck, keep on the good work, and Nation, thanks for what's done!

Ludvig A. Norin

-- Even those who doesn't dare to live dies someday

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Received on Sat Sep 23 1995 - 09:31:00 BST

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