FVWM: Window titles don't update on pl34.

From: Roy Einar Dragseth <royd_at_mat-stat.uit.no>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 17:05:34 +0200

Just upgraded to pre2.0 pl34 and noticed that the window titles don't
get updated any longer. They remain constant from startup.


Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics.           |\
Univ. of Tromsoe, N-9037 Tromsoe, Norway.      | \
Tlf. +47 77 64 40 00, Fax +47 77 64 47 65.     |  \
Roy Dragseth, Ph. D. st.	      	           \   |
direct call:    +47 77 64 40 31	                    \  |
email:          royd_at_math.uit.no                     \ |
HTTP adress:    http://www.math.uit.no/~royd          \|
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Received on Wed Sep 20 1995 - 10:04:45 BST

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