FVWM: Mozilla "losts keyboard focus" sometimes

From: Peter Niemayer <niemayer_at_isg.de>
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2005 18:40:24 +0200


I tried to add the following note to your fvwm bug-report:

  I've got the exact same problem since I upgraded to Fedora
  Core 4 / mozilla-1.7.6-2.

  I should mention that I've been using fvwm(2) for about 15
  years on different operating systems now, and mozilla since
  it first came out, and until recently I haven't had any such trouble.

  Sometimes, the focus is not entirely lost but is sticking
  to a different window (of mozilla), which is supposed not
  to have focus (according to fvwms coloring of the window border).
  I have to restart fvwm several times a day now because of that
  annoying problem (which may of course be caused by Mozilla, but
  why does a restart of fvwm alone help, then?).

Alas, the bug-reporting system seems to ignore my submission.

Have you found any fix or workaround?


Peter Niemayer

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Received on Fri Jun 03 2005 - 11:41:26 BST

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