FVWM: Is this a bug?

From: David Wu <zeo33x-fvwm_at_introspector.net>
Date: Mon, 09 May 2005 00:26:58 -0400

Hi all, I am wondering whether the following is a bug

I have a .fvwm2rc file with the following two lines

Style * ClickToFocusRaises
Style xterm GrabFocus

To reproduce the bug:

1. open any program and have mouse focus on it (perferably a browser,
something taking up a lot of screen size)
2. start xterm
3. xterm grabs focus, if the mouse happen to be over the xterm window,
repeat from step 1 until mouse is not over the xterm window and is over
the program opened in step 1
4 notice how xterm has focus and the mouse is not over it
5 now click on the program opened in step one. notice that the window is
RAISED but *NOT* focused.

if the policy states clicktofocusraise shouldnt the it raises and
focuses the window? this is very annoying.

the workaround is to move mouse over to xterm then move it back over to
the other program

version is fvwm 2.5.12 compiled on Mar 18 2005 at 00:50:43
with support for: ReadLine, RPlay, Stroke, XPM, PNG, Shape, XShm, SM,
Bidi text, Xinerama, XRender, XFT, NLS

fvwm comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may
redistribute copies of fvwm under the terms of the GNU General Public
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.

Thanks for feedback in advance!!

David Wu <zeo33x-fvwm_at_introspector.net>
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