FVWM: FVWM changing $DISPLATY env variable??

From: David Sun <sun.david_at_maxspeed.com.cn>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 15:32:55 -0500

Hi all,
I am meeting problem with FVWM with the configuration:

XFree86 4.3.0 with dual display --not Xinerame, so that I can move mouse
back and forth to switch between 2 independent screens

FVWM 2.4.18, in which I bound the CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-X to xterm:
Key X A CMS Exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm

Short description:
I need the $DISPLAY env variable always be :0.0 once FVWM is up, but
FVWM will occasionally change it to :0.1 on startup

Long description of my situation:

1. At system startup two screens show up, with mouse on the primary
screen :0.0, and I do a CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-X for an xterm, the xterm window
will occasionally appear on the secondary screen :0.1, which annoys me
since it's expected to appear on the primary screen.

2. For debug purpose, I bound CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-M to a message box to tell
the current $DISPLAY:
Key M A CMS Exec xmessage "`echo $DISPLAY`"

And it occasionally shows ":0.1" after startup if I press the key
conbination, even if I set $DISPLAY to :0.0 immediately before FVWM

3. So it turns out that FVWM is changing $DISPLAY sometimes, but not

Any help is appreciated

thanks & regards
David Sun
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Received on Tue Mar 15 2005 - 01:28:16 GMT

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