FVWM: TitleStyle

From: Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle_at_freenet.de>
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 19:36:28 +0100


I have defined Style and TitleStyle

  __( '/home/michelle.konzack/.fvwm/styles-decorations' )_______________
| Style * ForeColor black
| Style * BackColor #c3c3c3
| Style * HilightFore black
| Style * HilightBack #c3c3c3
| TitleStyle ActiveUp (solid #007fff -- Flat)
| TitleStyle Inactive (solid #00aaff -- Flat)
| TitleStyle ActiveDown (solid #007fff -- Flat)

and it works fine. Now I have some xterms which open SSH sessions
and I like to make this windows an other (Title)Style.

Style SSH* ForeColor red
Style SSH* BackColor black
Style SSH* HilightFore red
Style SSH* HilightBack black

But I can not set:

TitleStyle ActiveUp red
TitleStyle Inactive red
TitleStyle ActiveDown red

for the titletext background.

How can I get the titlebar in red ?


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