FVWM: Yet another config

From: David Vilar <vilar_at_informatik.rwth-aachen.de>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 18:51:09 +0100

Hi all!

I have finished my fvwm-page with my config. Visually I don't think
there are many new things, but I have an extensive list of
keybindings and some (I think) new functions:

- You can assign numbers (up to 10 per screen) to windows and jump
  to them quickly using the keyboard.

- Names not only for desktops, but also for pages within desktops.
  You can navigate and move windows using these names (see

- Creation and destruction of desktops "on the fly" (in reality is
  only a restart of FvwmPager, but it looks impressive for
  non-experts ;-).

- Automatically sorting of shaded windows to keep the desktop clean
  (see screenshot).

- Mail programm (MUTT) and a full-screen console accesible
  everywhere with only a keystroke.

You can find it here:



David Vilar Torres			RWTH Aachen
Tel: (+49) 241 80 21611			Lehrstuhl f. Informatik VI
Fax: (+49) 241 80 22219			Ahornstr. 55
vilar_at_informatik.rwth-aachen.de		D-52056 Aachen (Germany)
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Received on Sun Jan 30 2005 - 11:51:52 GMT

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