Re: FVWM: random background picture

From: Rouben Rostamian <>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 21:24:00 -0500

Eric Coulthard <> wrote:
> Hello I have been experimenting with using a random background image and I
> found a command that will do it. Unfortunatly it doesn't work in my
> .fvwm2rc file. I was wondering if you could offer any helpful suggestions.
> This is the command as it is used in my InitFunction:
> + "I" exec xv -root -max -quit bgpictures/bg$[RANDOM % 3 +1].jpg
> Now it is supposed to pick between 3 jpg files each named bg1.jpg bg2.jpg
> and bg3.jpg in the bgpictures directory. It works if I use this command in
> my .bashrc file but not the .fvwm2rc file. I am certain it is because
> fvwm doesn't recognize the $[RANDOM % 3 + 1] part but I would like to
> know if their is a way I can get it to recognize it. If anyone can help me
> that would be great.

You may want to try xv's "-random" option instead, as in:

xv -root -max -quit -random bgpictures/bg*.jpg

I am not sure how the wildcard "*" will be handled from within fvwm.
You may need to experiment a bit.

Rouben Rostamian
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Received on Wed Dec 15 2004 - 20:25:56 GMT

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