FVWM: Fvwm and skype

From: <pfemat_at_web.de>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 12:02:29 +0100

Hi there,

I have a question regarding an application called skype,
which enables one to use your pc as a telephone via internet.
When skype starts up the main application is started but also
a little window is opened which contains nothing but a little
skype-related icon. This window can be found in the windowlist
and i have the feeling that there should be some better place
where this icon can be put to... Does someone know what this
window is ment for and is there a 'predefined way' to handle
this window. i have other applications showing similar

>From the FvwmIdent Module launched on the skype window

Name: skype
Icon Name: skype
Class: Skype
Resource: skypedoc
Transient: no

my fvwm is...

fvwm 2.5.12 compiled on Oct 29 2004 at 20:48:13
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Matthias Pfeifer, germany

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Received on Sat Dec 11 2004 - 05:10:35 GMT

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