FVWM: Turn on title on WindowShade

From: Frank Gruellich <frank_at_der-frank.org>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 01:38:29 +0100


I use this to shade my windows with mouse wheel:
|Mouse 4 FISW N WindowShade True
|Mouse 5 FISW N WindowShade False
Mouse 4 works pretty fine, but as I have:
|Style * NoTitle, NoHandles, BorderWidth 1
it's kinda hard to get pointer in context FISW to unshade with Mouse 5
(in fact I am thinking about BorderWidth 0, which will make me real

Is there another way to enlarge a window while shaded? Can I add a
border for this state only? Or can I set 'Title' for shade windows
only? And: is there anything fvwm can't do?

Thanks in advance,
 regards, Frank.
Sigmentation fault
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Received on Thu Nov 04 2004 - 18:38:52 GMT

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