FVWM: killing and restarting fvwm : unreachable windows / pager shift

From: xavier <list.fvwm_at_natch.dyndns.org>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 11:58:05 -0400


sometimes i play too hard with fvwm and X,
and fvwm freeze/crash. (wont open root menu,
wont respond to fvwmcommand 'restart')

i then have to kill it, and start it again.
(fvwm is not the last thing on my .xsession)
until there, no problem.

when i start fvwm this way, the new
reference point 0,0 for my pager is the
current page (which might be 4,5).

so i can't see the windows which are on pages lower than 4,5.

i made a small script to get back all my windows, but it's all clobbered in one page :
(i use piperead "myscript.pl" for that)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $xwininfo=`xwininfo -root -tree`;

my _at_xwininfo=split /\n/,$xwininfo;

my _at_appwinid;
map { if (/\s+(0x\S+)\s\"/){ push _at_appwinid,$1}} @xwininfo;

foreach (_at_appwinid){
    print "echo get back: $_\n";
    print "WindowId $_ Iconify off\n";
    print "WindowId $_ movetopage 1 2\n";

any ideas for moving the pager to -1 -1 or something else ?


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Received on Fri Oct 29 2004 - 10:58:34 BST

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