FVWM: Stubborn Psi

From: Rafal Bisingier <ravbc_at_man.poznan.pl>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 12:20:43 +0200

Hello list,

>From quite some time I try to make Psi jabber client windows behave like
I want, but Psi is very stubborn ;-)
What I try to get is to show window with new message every time it came,
but not to pass focus to it. So I want that every new message will open a
window (or raise it, if it exist), but this window will not get focused.

There is an option in Psi to open (or raise) window on every new message

Below are the Styles I use:

Style * FPEnterToFocus, !FPLeaveToUnfocus, FPClickToFocus, \
        !FPClickRaisesFocused, FPPassFocusClick, FPFocusByProgram, \
        FPFocusByFunction, !FPFocusByFunctionWarpPointer, \
        FPGrabFocus, FPGrabFocusTransient, FPReleaseFocus, \
Style Psi !FPFocusByProgram, !FPFocusByFunction, !FPGrabFocus, \
        !FPGrabFocusTransient, IgnoreRestack, FPEnterToFocus, \
        EWMHIgnoreStateHints, EWMHIgnoreStackingOrderHints, \
        EWMHIgnoreStrutHints, GNOMEIgnoreHints,
Style XTerm FPOverrideGrabFocus
Style gvim FPOverrideGrabFocus

The problem is that Psi windows with new message always gets focus. You
can imagine how frustrating this can be, when in the middle of wiritting
you notice that half of the text you've written landed in the message
window and not in the text editor. :-(

The only change I achieved was that message windows wasn't raised but
still get focused. So it's exactly the oposite that I want. :-(

Are there any chance to get the bahaviour I want?
I'm empty of ideas already...

Rafal Bisingier
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