Re: FVWM: window background color

From: Tenebrae <>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 12:42:12 -0700 (PDT)

On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, robert_wilhelm_land wrote:

> I'm not quite happy having to launch X11 to use the vncserver because my
> intention is to use the server without a monitor and launching X11 for
> nothing would take some system resources which I would rather like to
> use for applications.

I also found out the hard way that turning off my monitor before I left
kinda made it impossible to use vncserver...heh. Oops.

> What exactly is " reverse video" ?

Okay, when vncserver starts, it politely launches an xterm for me (my
usual Eterms do NOT work well under vnc). It uses my cursor preference of
purple, but it makes the background off-white and the text black. I'd
rather have the background black and the text off-white. Or light
grey. When I'm sitting at my computer, I can hit ctrl-middlemousebutton
and it will pop up a list of VT options (one of which is reverse
video). Selecting this will conveniently switch the foreground and the
background colours. I wanted to find a way to enable it by default when
an xterm is launched (I finally did - yay - the XTerm statement was

> Additionally - how do I kill a vncserver ? The html help provides
> "vncserver -kill :<serverinstancenumber>"
> If I do that - the appropiate server instance does not die - instead a
> new server instance is created!

That's odd. When I launch vncserver (telnet into server from work, type
in vncserver &), it usually creates server instance 1. To kill it, I
telnet back into the server and type in "vncserver -kill :1" and that
works for me...if it doesn't work from you try going into your ~/.vnc and
find the PIDs of the other sessions, kill them manually, and remove all
associated files. There's another file off in another directory that I
can't remember that it creates...mind like a steel sieve.

(I also hate it when I postpone an e-mail message and then forget to
resume it...heh)

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