Re: FVWM: basic probelm --prefix dosent work! now what?

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 20:43:26 +0000

On 12 Aug 2004 13:36:25 -0700, Chintamani Lonkar wrote:
> Well i run the following script. I have write
> permissions to "/usr/users/a14fs/cmlonkar/" only
> "./configure --enable-debug-msg --help --prefix=/usr/users/a14fs/cmlonkar/"

You don't need --enable-debug-msg.
--help prints the help, don't specify it.

> Shoudnt --prefix take care of path ? I get the
> following error msg:-
> "interpreter "/bin/sh" not found
> file link resolves to "usr/bin/sh"
> ./configure: Command not found."
> Obviously some script is looking in that path to
> write. Which file will have the 'link' that i need to
> resolve.

It seems that your system is a bit broken regarding /bin/sh,
make it (or ask your sysadmin) to resymlink it to the real shell.

Alternativelly, you may do "bash configure --prefix=...". But if your
system can't run standard shell scripts, then you will have many problems
including boot problems, I guess.

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