FVWM: Behaviour of 'All (Condition)'

From: David Vilar <vilar_at_informatik.rwth-aachen.de>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 21:10:10 +0200


I'm trying to define a function for shading a window and sorting the
shaded windows in the current page according to their width. For
this I write the width and the windowId of each shaded window into a
temporary file and I process it with a small python script. The
result is something like

DestroyFunc ShadeWindowAndSort
AddToFunc ShadeWindowAndSort
+ I Current WindowShade
+ I SortShadedWindows

DestroyFunc SortShadedWindows
AddToFunc SortShadedWindows
+ I All (CurrentPage, Shaded, !Sticky) PipeRead 'echo $[w.width] $[w.id] >> .fvwm/shadedWindows'
+ I PipeRead '.fvwm/sortShadedWindows.py'
+ I PipeRead 'rm -f .fvwm/shadedWindows'

(I use PipeRead instead of Exec in the 1st and 3rd lines for
synchronizing). If I call SortShadedWindows from the Console it all
works flawlessly, but when called from ShadeWindowAndSort it only
moves the current window. By looking into .fvwm/shadedWindows I see
that all the entries have the windowId (and width) of the current
window. As I understand the 'All (...)' command this shouldn't be
the case, or am I doing something wrong? (fvwm version is 2.5.10)

Thank you for your help!!

David Vilar Torres			RWTH Aachen
Tel: (+49) 241 80 21611			Lehrstuhl f. Informatik VI
Fax: (+49) 241 80 22219			Ahornstr. 55
vilar_at_informatik.rwth-aachen.de		D-52056 Aachen (Germany)
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