Re: FVWM: Help me please. Long time KDE user. I don't know where should I start.

From: Thomas Adam <>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 19:19:59 +0100

On Wed, 4 Aug 2004 19:51:18 -0700 (PDT)
Jayson Alvarez <> wrote:

> I've already installed FVWM 2.4.18 in my FreeBSD 4.10.

I really recommend you install 2.5.10, since you'll need this version to
use transparency, should you want it. It also has a few more features,
and despite the fact it is the 'Unstable' version, I have found it to be
anything but.

> After successful installation and through careful
> guessing, when I typed startx, I landed on a pink
> desktop with a rectangular bar in the lower right with
> a clock at the far right corner of it.

Welcome to FVWM. Perhaps it is similar to this one:
> I have browsed the xman and found a very little help.
> I have few questions in this list.

"man fvwm" contains everything you'll ever need. It's all there.

> How should I install a file manager, or a web browser.

By whatever means FreeBSD uses, of course. If you mean which, well,
there are lots. I like and use "moxfm" (motid x-file-manager), but many
advocate "rox" (, and I too used it for a while.

> If I will do it in the xterm, where will the newly
> installed app, be placed?

Using an xterm bears no relation on installation. For *BSD, all files
are placed in /usr/local/*, and one assumes this will be in your $PATH.

> And where should I begin if
> I would want to have a beautiful desktop like what the
> screenshots in is displaying?

At the beginning. Don't run before you can walk. Take things a step at a
time, do things bit by bit, build upon it. Document your results.
Research, ask here. Read the manpage, ask in #fvwm (,
but don't try everything all at once. If you reply back, linking a
screenshot URL, showing us the kinds of things you want, then we can

> For ease of instruction, please advice me based on
> what desktop components you are using right now(eg;
> file manager, web browser..) and I will just make my

My own stuff is here:

You may well want to look at Tavis' config file here:

-- Thomas Adam

"Frankly, Mr. Shankly, since you ask. You are a flatulent pain in the
arse." -- Morrissey.
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