FVWM: FvwmPerl's problem with detach() behaviour

From: Mikhael Goikhman <migo_at_homemail.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 16:41:36 +0000

On 07 Jul 2004 10:18:41 -0500, Rusty Phillips wrote:
> I don't think detach works the way it should for me. Any time you
> execute "exit" anywhere in any thread (when forking - whether I fork or
> FvwmPerl does), all threads exit in FvwmPerl. This isn't what we want,
> is it?

I am aware about a problem with detach() since your previous messages.
Probably some recent change caused the current behaviour, no idea yet.

> while($g==0) { } \

This is endless loop.

Please wait until I investigate the problem with detach(), before writing
yet another long message to the list. I will provide the correct and
clean solution to your problem once I restore the intended functionality.

Also it will help me if you try to use meaningful subject lines (the ones
you used during the last 3 days are not), and stay in one thread per
problem. Thank you.

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Received on Wed Jul 07 2004 - 11:44:33 BST

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